45th Sailplane Expo 2025

Sailplane Expo will be held from Saturday 25 to Monday 27 of January 2025. The preceding Friday (24 January) will be a practice day.

We will fly 2 events; F5J and eRes. At present the plan is to fly rounds of eRes on each of the Saturday and Sunday.

The method for scoring landings for eRes will use the F5J tape and give a score of 25 points for within 1m, reducing by 2.5 points / meter until 10m. Beyond 10m gets 0 landing points.

We will run 15 minute Fly Off rounds for F5J for all F5J entrants on Monday 27th.

Please nominate in teams of 2. We expect to fly 3 or 4 heats / round depending on number of entries.

Camping on the field is permissible. There will be toilets and it is anticipated that NEMAC will offer a BBQ lunch.

The entry form is here.

See you in Armidale.

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