New to electric flight?
Don’t know where to start?
Want some simple answers?
Then this section is for you.
By now you have some general ideas about what you want to fly. We are going to assume that you’re looking at a fixed wing model, and don’t want something too big, aggressive or expensive to start with.
We’ve picked a handful of models that will be close to the sort of aircraft you want to fly. So look at the size and type of plane we’ve described and find one that matches your project or is close to it. You can then use our data to select what you need without having to understand the engineering behind the information. That can come later.
If anything our sample aircraft are over-specified so there is some tolerance in your selection but they will put you in the right ball-park.
Use the key information that we’ve identified to make your own decision on brand and source.
There are four steps to follow;
Radian by ParkZone (now out of date) - EFlite now only produce a Night Radian - most fliers strip out the lights to make it lighter!
The Radian is a 2 meter wingspan foam glider with rudder and elevator controls, a small brushless motor and LiPo battery. Its safe model for novices and is popular for ‘one class’ competitions. In Ready to Fly (RFT) format it comes with everything, including transmitter, batteries and charger. A Plug and Play option model is available if you already have a transmitter. Just provide a compatible receiver and the recommended 3S 1300mAh LiPo.
As a basis of comparison of an aircraft in the .25 to .30 sports range we have selected the De Havilland Beaver, an ARF from E-Flite.
Wing Span: 1735mm (68 in)
Flying Weight: 2.2 - 2.8 kg (4.9 - 6.2 lbs) nominal – actual 2.375 kg
The Kaos has a fully symmetrical wing and is capable of basic aerobatics by an intermediate RC pilot. The model pictured was built from a kit.
Wing Span: 1400mm (55 in)
Flying Weight: 2.5-2.7 kg (5.5 - 6 lbs) nominal – actual 2.2 kg
Recommended IC Engine – 2-stroke .40-.46
Wing Span: 1900mm (74 in)
Flying Weight: 3.3 Kg (4.9 - 6.2 lbs) nominal – actual 3.9Kg
Recommended IC Engine – 60 2 stroke
Spitfire - Sportsman Aviation ARF
Wing Span: 1640mm (64 in)
Flying Weight: 3.0-3.4 kg (6.75 – 7.5lbs) nominal – actual 4.05 kg
Recommended IC Engine – 60-90 2 stroke
The 70% Lanzo Bomber pictured is set up to compete in Electric Old Timer Duration events, aiming for 10 minute flight with no more than 35 sec motor run.
Equipment Table
Example 1
Pick a set up for a 60 size Clipped Wing Piper Cub ARF.
Typical supplier’s data:
Wingspan: 2110 mm (83 in)
Weight: 4310-5440 g (9.5-12 lb)
Requires: 2-stroke .60-.90 cu in
This aircraft is a close match to the 60 size trainer in size and performance, leaning towards the 60-90Sports/Scale in weight.
Buying Guide
max continuous current around 60-80 amps
power at max current around 1000 W
C Rating 20-25C
Example 2
Pick a set up for a 40 size Clipped Wing Piper Cub ARF.
Typical supplier’s data:
Wingspan: 1560 mm (61.5 in)
Weight: 2950-3400 g (6.5-7.5 lb)
Requires: 2-stroke .40-.60 cu in
This aircraft should fly slower than the 40 Sports Aerobatic but is heavier than the 25 sports. Weight is closer to the 60 size trainer
Buying Guide
max continuous current between 50 - 60 amps (between 25 sports and 40 aerobatic)
power at max current around 750 W (between 25 sports and 40 aerobatic)
C Rating 20-25C